# Core Service Components

Hitchy's core framework includes some service components to be introduced in this document.

# HttpClient

This service component provides a convenient client for sending requests to remote services via HTTP or HTTPS.

# Usage Example

The following excerpt is demonstrating how to use the HttpClient in another component.

module.exports = function() {
    const api = this;
    const { services } = api.runtime;

    class YourComponent {
        static checkSomeSite() {
            return services.HttpClient.fetch( "GET", "https://foo.example.com/api/endpoint", null, {
                "x-api-key": "someaccesstoken",
            } )
                .then( response => response.json() )
                .then( data => {
                    // TODO inspect data which is an object
                } );

    return YourComponent;

# Fetching Resource

Static method HttpClient.fetch() is starting new request for fetching resource from provided URL. Its signature is:

HttpClient.fetch( method, url, body, headers, options ).then( response => {} );
  • method is selecting HTTP method to use for request.

  • url is a string or instance of URL describing URL of resource to be fetched.

  • body provides a request body. It may be:

    • null for requests that don't have a request body,
    • a Buffer sent as-is,
    • a string sent as-is,
    • a readable stream to be consumed for delivering the actual request body or
    • an object to be serialized in JSON format.
  • headers is a regular object providing a set of custom request headers.

# Processing Response

Method HttpClient.fetch() is returning promise which is fulfilled with a response unless encountering severe issues on sending request.

The response is an IncomingMessage basically providing a statusCode property containing HTTP status code provided by fetched resource as well as all response headers in property headers.

In addition there are two helper methods provided for simplifying access on response body:

  • response.body() is promising the response body as raw Buffer.
  • response.json() is promising the data found in response body parsed as JSON-formatted.

You can use both functions simultaneously, but either function is consuming the (remaining) response body, thus you can't consume it yourself after having used either function.

# HttpException

This custom exception class is provided for simplifying controller implementations.

# Usage Example

Let's assume a controller component like this one:

module.exports = function() {
	const api = this;
	const { services } = api.runtime;

	const logError = api.log( "my-app:custom:error" );

	class MyCustomController {
		static someEndpoint( req, res ) {
			return Promise.resolve()
				.then( () => {
					if ( req.params.foo !== "expected" ) {
						throw new services.HttpException( 400, "invalid parameter" );
					if ( req.query.id !== "john.doe" ) {
						throw new services.HttpException( 403, "access forbidden" );
					// TODO provide response
                    // this code might crash unexpectedly ...
				} )
				.catch( error => {
					logError( "request failed: %s", error.statusCode ? 
                        error.message : error.stack );

                        .status( error.statusCode || 500 )
                        .json( { error: error.message } );
				} );

This example is illustrating how to use HttpException in a controller of your Hitchy-based application. By wrapping up all code in a promise it's easy to commonly catch intended exceptions as well as unintended issues of your code in a single late catch handler that is providing a proper response in case of any error. Using statusCode property of provided error you can distinguish between intended errors and crashes of your code, thus providing different amounts of information in logging either case.