# Tutorial: Hello World!

# Prerequisites

Hitchy is implemented in Javascript and requires Node.js as a runtime. In addition it relies on a tool called npm which is used to access a vast amount of packages ready for use. Hitchy is just one of those. This tool is included with Node.js.

# Create Project

  • Create and enter folder for your project: mkdir hello-world && cd hello-world
  • Install Hitchy: npm i hitchy


You might want to run npm init before installing Hitchy to start with a proper description of your project capable of tracking all its dependencies.

# Configure Router

Create a sub-folder named config. Put a file named routes.js with the following content there:

exports.routes = {
	"/": ( req, res ) => res.send( "Hello World!" ),


The file's name doesn't matter much. The key routes used for exporting in first line of file's content is essential though. We suggest name the file just like the exported configuration key to support long-term maintenance of code.

# Run Project

When in project folder enter

hitchy start

for running the project. This will display some URL to be opened in a web browser, like Click on the URL or copy-n-paste it into your browser to get the desired output.

Stopping Hitchy

After starting hitchy the service is running in foreground. Log messages are printed on screen. If you want to stop hitchy just press Ctrl+C. This will gracefully shut down Hitchy.